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    Tuesday, 12 April 2011

    Latin Quote of the Day: There Ain't No Cure for Love

    "Nullis amor est medicabilis herbis" (Ovid)

    Love is not to be cured by medicinal herbs.

    (The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations)  

    So it seems the Romans did not invent cement after all...

    It seems that the Romans have been wrongfully credited for inventing cement, according to archaeologists in charge of digging at Vergina, Northern Greece. A collection of some of the finest ancient treasures of Greece displayed at the Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum suggests that the Macedonians used cement 300 years before the Romans. Who would have thought that Alexander the Great's people were innovative builders on top of being excellent fighters?

    Monday, 11 April 2011

    Latin Quote of the Day - Should We Offer Candies to the Government?

    "Rempublicam duabus rebus contineri dixit, præmio et poena". (Cicero, attributed to Solon)

    A state is regulated by two things, reward and punishment.

    (The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations) 

    Sunday, 10 April 2011

    Libertini vs. Liberti

    In ancient Rome slaves could gain freedom in a variety of ways and some manumission methods conferred the freed slave a higher status than others. A man who was legally freed was known as “libertinus” and a woman as “libertina”.

    Ex-slaves who were legally freed were eligible for Roman citizenship, but this was not the end of the bod between the former slave and his former master. The ex-slave became a client of his former master, now his patron. This relationship was different from the patron’s relationship with other clients. Another term was used for a slave who was bond in this way to his former master, i.e. libertus. Thus, the term libertinus indicated the legal status of the slave, while the word libertus described his social status.

    Liberti were considered member of the former master’s familia and were expected to act accordingly, since their patron continued to be their paterfamilias, albeit in another sense. Liberti were expected to obey without question their former owners and show them the same devotion that Roman children in owed their fathers. As a result, ex-slaves continued to execute small tasks, without compensation, for their patrons, both voluntarily and at their patron’s order. And just as Roman children were not allowed to take legal action against their parents, so ex-slaves were not permitted to take their former owners into court for any reason.

    Latin Quote of the Day - Isn't it time you watched your figure?

    "Accipe nunc, victus tenuis quid quantaque secum afferat. In primis valeas bene". (Horace) 

    Now learn what and how great benefit a moderate diet brings with it. Before all, you will enjoy good health.

    (The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations)

    Saturday, 9 April 2011

    Blogum Primum

    What is the Latin word for blog? Well, you will most certainly not find it in the Oxford Latin Dictionary. It might be blogum. Or blogus. Neutral is better than masculine, though. Other people suggested blogis, but since there is no definitive candidate for the word, I'll stick with blogum. Easier to decline as well, just remember the golden rule of neutrals.

    In 2003, the Vatican published a two volume up-to-date Latin-Italian dictionary, with the intent of modernising a language that many consider dead or dusty at best. The Lexicon Recentis Latinitas contains words designating objects or actions the Romans wouldn't have dreamt about in their times. Here are some examples using English translations instead of Italian. It is easily noticeable that "modern" Latin is no longer a synthetic language, being impossible to express certain concepts in just one word.

    barman - tabernae potóriae minister
    basket-ball - follis canistrīque ludus
    best seller - liber maxime divenditus
    calculator - machínula calculatória
    detonator - apparatus displosīvus
    disco - taberna dischotecaria
    effervescent - bullans; fervens
    fifty-fifty - aequíssima partítio
    full time - munus pleni témporis
    gangster - gregalis latro
    gulag - campus captivis custodiendis
    horn - sonorus autocinēti index
    hostess - vectorum adiūtrix
    jazz - iazensis música
    jeans - bracae línteae caerúleae
    jeep - autocinētum locis iniquis aptum
    kamikaze - voluntárius sui interemptor
    lady - Ánglica múlier conspícua
    lasagna - láganum
    megalomania - effrenāta glóriae appeténtia
    minigolf - pilamálleus minūtus
    night-club - taberna nocturna
    nylon - matéria plástica nailonensis
    piano - clavicýmbalum (-i)
    picnic - cénula subdivālis
    pizza - placenta compressa
    popcorn - máizae grana tosta 
    pot-pourri - carnes oleraque vária
    punch - cálida alcohólica pótio
    radar - radioëléctricum instrumentum detectórium
    referendum - ad pópulum provocátio
    rugby - ludus follis ovāti
    safari - Africana venátio
    salami - tomáculum
    pretzel - crústulum sale condītum
    scotch - víschium Scóticum
    shampoo - capitilávium
    cigarette - fístula nicotiāna
    smog - fumus et nébula
    spray - liquor nubilógenus
    taxi - autocinētum meritórium
    traveller's cheque - mandatum nummárium periegéticum
    vodka - válida pótio Slávica
    week-end - éxiens hebdómada
    selfishness - nímius amor sui
    spaceship - navis sideralis
    swimsuit - subligáculum balneare
    travel agency - itínerum procuratrix (-trīcis)